Monday, November 16, 2009

Just Jack!

I feel like Jack McFarland from Will and Grace on the episode when he's obsessed with buying stuff from ebay and keeps on being outbid by Dr. Danger I think it was, and he's running around on a scooter, well I guess it would be scooting around on a scooter, to make sure he bids in time to win whatever it is he's bidding on.

Long winded, sorry.

I am constantly checking ebay for domino magazines even though I won't have any money to purchase them until pay day Thursday, it's like I can't stop looking at them! I keep on thinking I'm just randomly going to come across a whole set of the magazines somewhere like at a random yardsale, or some flea market somewhere....yeah prob not going to happen.

In the meantime I'll just continue stalking ebay during my prep periods and downtime at home!

1 comment:

  1. Why not put an ad on Craigslist that you are looking for Domino mags?!?!
