Monday, November 16, 2009


I have two totally unrelated things to talk about right now.

1. New Kids on the Block Christmas charity show. December 20th in Boston. Tickets went on sale last Saturday. They're already sold out. I saw that they were doing the show, it's at the House of Blues which is small= close proximity to my loves. Small problem- I don't have the money right now for tickets.

So last Wednesday at dinner (my family goes out to dinner to the same restaurant every Wednesday before my brother has tutoring) I brought it up to my Mom and Dad, saying that I'd love to go and that the tickets would be a perfect Christmas or bday (January 3rd) gift and that they went on sale the following Saturday. My Mom said she wouldn't be in town, she left for Canada with my Nana on Thursday to visit my Auntie Jeanne. I figured she's usually really good with gifts and stuff, so that it'd be all set.

Then my Dad just called and was like, hey what are you doing etc. I said I was watching tv, thinking about going to the gym, the usual. He then asked about the New Kids tickets. I said they went on sale last Saturday, but that I didn't have the money to get them. He said, well if you want to order them you can put them on my card, I told him they were sold out (they are) but thanks for thinking of me. He said, oh, Mom just called and was asking. She said she told you to ask me because she wouldn't be here. I said I didn't think she said that to me, that I brought it up at dinner that time, but that was it. He said oh, oh well, well you'll get some Celtics tickets soon! Which I'm also super excited about going to, don't get me wrong. But was really hoping to see New Kids. And I'm half disappointed, half thinking I'm getting the tickets.

My question is this: My Mom is usually on the ball with gifts etc. and I'm wondering if the phone call today was to check and see if I bought the tickets for myself when in fact she had already bought them. Last Christmas she bought me tickets to see Britney Spears but I had already bought them for myself. No worries, I saw her twice so it all worked out- the tickets were for different shows. But I'm wondering if she was worried about repeating that mistake? Or if she really did think of it and mention it to Dad who offered for me to order the tickets. Or if Mom knew they were sold out already and could go that angle with the phone call. Or I'm just thinking about it too much.


2. The Gym. I went Saturday. And Sunday. Planned on going tonight. My plan was foiled for my usual Butts and Guts Monday night class. I had a dentist appointment in Fall River at 3:30 and the class isn't until 7:30 so what the heck was I supposed to do in between? I don't really want to drive to the city twice in one day. I called my friend Kathy from Durfee to see if she wanted to watch Sex and the City (I've been slowly catching her up on the series) but she had already made plans. Mother effer. Now I'm comfy on the couch with LaLa and don't want to go out. But I feel guilty about my dinner and want to work out. But don't want to get off the couch to do it.

I'm def not making it to Butts and Guts, but maybe I could run. Hm.

Ok maybe I will go because before LaLa was all cute and cuddly next to me on the couch now she's whining at me and it's really annoying.

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