Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another good thing!

So tomorrow night at the Zeiterion Theatre has RFK: The Journey to Justice which I was so excited to see.

So excited.

Spring semester 2009 I took a grad class at Bridgewater, Assassinations, with one of my favorite history professors- Dr. Thomas Turner. The grad students were assigned a 25 page research paper on an assassination of our choice, I chose Bobby Kennedy. After completing the paper I knew Bobby was my favorite Kennedy. I heart him.

So anyway, I saw that the Z was putting on this show and could. not. wait. for it to be February!

Well, it's February and I officially don't have enough money to buy a ticket to see the show tomorrow night. Super. My Aunt Dori works in the box office there, but I didn't feel comfortable asking her if she had any comp tickets. I know she wouldn't mind, but I just don't feel right asking. As I had that thought I was pulling into the parking lot at the gym and literally that minute my Aunt Dori was calling me! She offered me free tickets to the show- how freaking awesome!!!!!

I'm so excited to see this show tomorrow night, even though I'm probably going alone, nbd!

Plus my friendboy is on his way over to watch this weeks episode of Lost and some more episodes of Mad Men.

Love it!!

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