Sunday, January 24, 2010

How soon is too soon?

So as I mentioned in the About Me portion of this blog, over the summer I joined eHarmony. I had emailed back and forth with a few guys, and got to the point of aim conversations with two others. It was poor timing on my part that I joined and got to the convo part at the end of the summer, beginning of the school year when my schedule was just insane. I didn't have time to really spend getting to know new people, I barely had time for the people I already know and know I like, nevermind new people that I wasn't even sure I'd grow to like.

The first guy I was imming with got real annoying, real fast. He told me rather quickly that he wasn't talking to any other girls, from eHarmony or real life, and was curious if I was. Um, guy, I've never met you, we've chatted online a handful of times and I've seen one picture of you. I'm not putting all my eggs in your basket- for all I know it's a hoop with no bottom and with my luck all my eggs will end up splattered on the ground. (Did that analogy work or just sound dumb?) He also wanted to go for a walk along the Cape Cod Canal as our first date. Now, a walk on the Canal sounds amazing, if I know you and know you're not some psycho. I would prefer a well-lit restaurant where we both meet there for my personal safety. Needless to say, that didn't work out.

Guy number two that I was imming with, it wasn't anything in particular, just that I was way too busy to get to know someone, and it kind of stopped.

Well, he immed me again recently asking if things had died down. I said that they had, although we're starting new courses soon which I'm sure will kick up the dust again. I gave him points for persistance though. We talked some more, and he asked if I was interested in getting coffee. I said sure (I figured why the heck not) and we made plans for next Saturday to meet.

Two things. One, he uses emoticons WAY too often. The winking ones. I can see for emphasis every once in a while, but we're not 14 years old anymore, I think we're a little beyond them? Maybe I'm being too judgey. Two, he's been calling me "lovely" as of late. Tonights im read, "hey lovely." Now I only have one relationship to gauge when the nickname portion of the program began, and come to think of the the Ex and I weren't huge nickname people. I don't think I called him "babe" or "hon" or anything at all. He I think called me "babe". If memory serves me correctly, which really isn't anything to go by. I just feel like it's weird and too soon to be referring to me any other way besides my name. Am I just being a bitch? I don't know, it turns me off. Again, you don't know me yet. What if I'm not lovely to you at all? What if you hate me? I also feel like Guy #1 did this too. And I felt the same way.

Updates on this front to follow for sure.

1 comment:

  1. you're aim convo must be quite delightful for him to be calling you "lovely" already! although you are! i say go with it, ...unless he starts calling you sugar buns.
