Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Go Bears!!

So before I run off to our sexual harassment training in a few minutes I have one more funny story about yesterday. Not only did I bless my first block before they left for the day but I misunderstood a voicemail.

So I see I have a voicemail on my classroom phone, check it, it's the guidance secretary. She is just letting us know that we'll be re-instituting our collared shirts on half-days deal. I think, ok I have collared shirts, nbd (no big deal) but I don't really see why a school-wide voicemail was necessary for that but whatev.

I get to work today (in my black Lily Pulitzer polo) and I notice my boss has on a football jersey. Mentally I say, wtf is he wearing? Odd.

Then I run the superlative forms from homeroom down to the first floor and pass a co-worker with a UMass Dartmouth tshirt over a long sleeve tshirt and I think, Wow, he's really dressed down today!

Then, light bulb.

No, not collared shirts but COLLEGE shirts. Which is why the guidance secretary sent the voicemail, because you go through guidance for your COLLEGE applications so let's promote COLLEGE to our students.

Dully noted. (I don't even know if that's the right word for that saying and I like saying it. I should probably find that out.)

UPDATE: I just looked at my blog and saw this post and thought, "Go Bears"? What the heck was I talking about? That's because I participated in college oh, negative percent of the time and forgot that the reference was to the Bridgewater State College Bears....oh if I could go back in time the fun I'd have had in college....

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