Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Woah look out!!!

For the first time ever I have plans for New Years Eve!!!

I will be looking for a sparkly dress ASAP!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Possible bday dress.

So, I did have some positives out of today.

I got my four free issues of Domino magazine, even though the librarian was a biatch, it was worth it. So yay for that.

Then the Natick Collections/Mall which is ridiculously huge, is an amazing mall. I tried on the sparkly shirt I wanted to from J.Crew, eh not sure if I loved it, so I didn't bite the bullet.

Then I spent way too long in Anthropologie. I could seriously live in that place. I love it so much. I bought a dress that I think will be perfect for my bday but of course there aren't any pics of it online, and I left it in my freezing house so I don't know the brand to google that shit. Pictures to come. I also bought a candle, cup for my makeup brushes and a tray for my jewelry. Love those purchases, wish I had a ton more money to have bought some other stuff too. Oh well!! Another trip there is def in the near future.

I think I'm going to call it a night! Maybe tomorrow will lift my shitty-pre-birthday week curse with my heat miraculously being able to be fixed!!! That'd be the best birthday present ever!!


Could this vacation be off to any worse a start?

This post contains information of a TMI (Too Much Information) nature, probably more than any of you really need to know about me. But I'm going to continue, feel free to stop reading if you don't want to be grossed out.

Today was my real first day of vacation aka first day I really got to sleep in. Let's see, vacation started last Wednesday and I worked at be jeweled Wednesday and Thursday 10 am- close both days. Then Thursday was Christmas eve where I drank a bit too much at my Aunt's on my Dad's side of the fam, had a *guest* over Christmas eve and woke up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning to open presents with my fam. Got there around 7 am. We opened presents where I got way too many things (slightly spoiled this Christmas) and had bacon and eggs for bfast. Came home, took a nap and then went to my Aunt's house for Christmas with my Mom's side of the fam.

Went to my Uncle's house on my Dad's side Christmas night, no drinking for me! We played LCR which got very intense but is always fun. Oh!! I have a great picture:
If you're interested in how the game is played click on the link above, too long to explain. So not too late of a night there, maybe 10ish. Then Saturday, what did I do....oh got up, went to the gym then to my Aunt's house to see my Uncle who came over from Nantucket. At night went to my friend Mike's house for a little soiree and then stopped at McDonald's on my way home. I made it safely, with all my clothing intact and believed the universe had given me a break from its fast-food hatred.


Sunday wasn't anything special, house stuff, I set up my new desk (West Elm Parsons Desk- Love!!) and put a lot of crap downstairs into the basement. Went to my friends Heather and Pat's house with some old colleagues and had a good time. Here comes the TMI part, feel free to skip down.

UPDATE: Deleted the TMI part.....

Ok, back to normal those of you who skipped that last paragraph. Today I decided to go to the Ashland Library and the Natick Mall, the library to get my free Domino magazines they were holding for me and the Mall to check out Anthropologie mainly and some other stores. That trip was a success then I needed to get home in time for Bunco dinner at Tokyo in Fairhaven. Well, I had called my Dad earlier and asked if he would pick up LaLa because I would be out all night and he did. Only to discover once he got to my house, that my heat had shut off and wouldn't restart. What. The. Fuck. Needless to say between buying electric heaters so my effing pipes don't freeze while we try to get the boiler fixed tomorrow I didn't make it to Tokyo on time.

Combining all those things with the fact that I'm breaking out like a freaking 14 year old with acne this has been a superly shitty week so far. So not the pre-birthday week I had envisioned for myself. But I need to keep this in perspective, there are people going through a lot worse than me....ok I have my non-cranky pants on again, going to watch Harry Potter with my brother and sister.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I heart her blog and even though I don't really know know her, I heart her too:

Please read:

My name is brandy. And I have a blog.

And a plea.

I use my blog to showcase the crazy I meet everyday, share the stories of the kids I teach and document my love for tequila, dairy products and the abdominal muscles of Ryan Reynolds. Rarely do I talk about personal issues on my blog- as personal as the dude that I adore (who I actually met through my blog- single ladies, let that be a very good reason to blog, the possibility of meeting someone as wonderful as my man), but I need your help. And it involves my dude.

He’s a guy who made math comics for my class, so they would love learning about addition. He’s the kinda guy who sends my friends gift cards when they are having hard times, who remembers every story I ever told him, who was the first person I celebrated with when I got a teaching job. He’s the guy who sent flowers to me at school- dozens of my favourite pink roses just because he loves me. He’s a guy who has spent a year patiently explaining (and re-explaining) everything there is to know about football during the important games when silence is preferred. He’s made me word puzzles and comics and stayed up late playing Scrabble with me (even though I beat him almost every time). He’s listened to me cry about school and family and jobs. He is everything I never knew I needed and everything I always knew I wanted.

The holidays have hit us hard. He’s recently been told he may have something called multiple myeloma- an incurable cancer, that gives a person an average of five years of continued life. Though this news has came as a shock, he continues to be exactly who has always been- spending his time worrying about me, rather than worrying about himself. He’s the most selfless individual I know- (he stayed late on Christmas Eve to work, so his co-workers could leave early) and a post like this would never be something that he would promote or encourage but when I’m overwhelmed and feeling helpless, the blogging community has always given me tremendous support and comfort, two things I desperately need at this time.

As I write this, the future is uncertain and we aren’t sure what’s happening. He’ll need to see an oncologist soon, to verify what’s going on in his body. My hope is that everyone who reads this think positive thoughts and if you are a person who prays, could you add him to your list? (You can refer to him as ‘brandy’s hot awesome dude’). If you don’t pray, please keep him in your heart.This cancer is only a possibility and I believe that the prayers and positive thoughts of people can make sure it never becomes a reality.

I want to give a big thank you to the blog owner who scraped their original blog plans and graciously put this up. My goal is to get as many people as possible to see and read this post. If you are reading this and want to help, copy and paste my plea into your blog or send a link through twitter, so more people can keep him in their thoughts. I would be so very grateful (even more grateful than I am to my friend who first showed me the picture of Ryan Reynolds on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. If you haven’t seen it, google it. You. Are. Welcome).

I realize this all sounds dramatic, a Lifetime movie in the making- but this is life. Right now. And I’m throwing away any hint of ego and am humbly asking for you to pray or think kind thoughts. If you are able to pass this on, thank you and if you know anything regarding MM- please email me (my email is on my blog). This isn’t a call for sympathy or a plea for pity. It’s just one girl hoping you can think positive thoughts for the person she adores. If my current heartache provides you with anything, let it be with the reminder that life is short, love is unbending and no one knows what could happen next. Maybe it is silly, but I really do believe that positive thoughts can make a huge difference. Thank you for reading this and if you haven’t already? Please tell someone you love them today.

I did.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Back to my blog roots.

Well. I seem to have moved away from the original purpose of my blog- to talk about the ridiculous things that happen to me. Not on purpose, just happened.

Consider me back to reality.

So, unless you've been living under a rock or live somewhere else besides the East Coast of the United States you'd be aware that we got quite the snow storm this weekend. Well we got a ton of snow. I shoveled my stairs and walkway. Not that I've actually left the house (my Dad has yet to plow/snowblow my driveway so the Cabrio is still in the garage) but I could walk if I needed to. So after shoveling and showering, getting comfy in my sweats grabbing my laptop, new book and cell phone headed downstairs.

And then proceeded to fall down my stairs. Hard.

My ass is super sore. There'll be bruises.

But on the plus-side I didn't drop my laptop.

And I'm back!!!

UPDATE: MAJOR bruising. Major. Ridiculous. Maybe the worst bruise I've ever had.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Secret Santa is the devil

Apparently the staff here at school does a Secret Santa every year, two days a week for the last two weeks before Christmas break you leave a small gift for someone and on the last day before vacation the trend has been to give a "cool" pen to the person. Fun. Except I didn't know what to get my secret santa, I don't really know her very well. I got her apple shaped post-its for the two days this week in a bag of Reese's and Hershey's (you know the ones with the milk chocolate, dark chocolate, krackle and Mr. Goodbar?) Which I think seems ok? I don't freaking know. I was roaming around Target aimlessly trying to figure out what to buy. I also bought her snowflake gel-window decals to decorate her classroom door with-is that stupid? Who cares. I have yet to get my gift yet to gauge how off I am on this whole thing, only time will tell.
Ok just walked down to get the detention lists and got my gift. I'm in the clear. I got a holiday candy bar (that I'll be giving away tomorrow in class) and a little snowman pen. Perf.

But that's actually not the reason that Secret Santa is the devil. It's really the devil because I ate half of the Reese's and Hershey's because they're in my side desk drawer. Which is actually my own fault, but I'd prefer to blame Secret Santa.

Let's see, I've been slacking in the blog updates so what else is new.

My Mom didn't "accidentally" forget to get me tickets to the New Kids Christmas concert, she legit did, so I won't be attending that sadly. BUT I did request the New Kids on the Block Coming Home DVD which is such dejavu to the days of me taping their specials and appearances on TV and watching them over and over again. This time around I can do it with the convenience of a DVD player!!

Why don't I give you all a run-down of my Christmas List? Sure, why not.

This light from Ikea for my bedroom:
This light from Ikea for my hallway:
The shirt from the etsy shop elizandaxle:
This poster from the cover of Domino magazine:
This rug for my living room:
This jacket from J.Crew that I mentioned before:
These gloves which I've looked EVERYWHERE for and FINALLY found thanks to Meaghan:
And just for shits and giggles, I threw in this desk from west elm:
So. Because I have Christmas then my birthday literally a week after, I try to make a pretty extensive list, jic. My Mom totally ruined any element of surprise for my gifts though. She told me that she ordered the poster but never received an email confirmation so wasn't sure if it went through correctly. Ok, gift number one. She then said I could check her email to make sure it didn't go to the junkmail folder (which it had) and once I opened her email I saw an email from west elm confirming an order. Holy crap. I totally just added that for the heck of it. Can't believe I'm going to be an owner of the Parson's desk from west elm! Insane!! She then proceeded to ask me about the tshirt I wanted from etsy because the packaging was weird and she wasn't sure she ordered the right thing. I explained that etsy is everything handmade so they usually package everything really neat and pretty. Gift #3. Jeez. I'm pretty psyched for Christmas and my bday now! For a last minute list I'm making out pretty well!

What else. I'm up to a total of 13 pounds lost. My goal is 20 by my bday. So far I ran on Monday this week, did kickboxing Tuesday, attempted to run last night but was foiled by a constant cramp and my headphones breaking. I'm going to go tonight too. I'd looove it if I could be down 20 lbs by January 2nd (the night of celebration for my bday, not the actual birthday). I have a vision in my head of an outfit for that night and I plan on shopping at the Natick Collections to make that outfit a reality. It'd be great to be 8 pounds lighter when I do shop for that outfit.

Positive thoughts.

And last but certainly not least, boy updates. There are some. Another day, another post though. All in good time. For now my Christmas list will have to do.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


no good.

I'm losing my voice and I sound like a 13 year old boy going through puberty.

But part of me likes how I sound. Odd.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Love it.

Hahahah I love this picture (from

Random and ridiculous.

I'm watching Little People Big World on TLC and one of the sons, Zack, had to go into surgery for a shunt he has in his head and the family has to pay for it all out of their pocket because insurance companies don't issue little people insurance.

That's fucked up.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I am thankful for

*my amazing family. They are absolutely the best ever. Love them.
*my fabulous friends, which I **can't wait** to grab dinner and drinks with tonight!!
*my job, while I do mention that I miss my old school at any chance I get, I do love my new school and new kiddos.
*my house- I am thankful that I bought this house every single day!!
*and last but not least, I am super thankful for the fact that today I put on my size 12 Abercrombie jeans which I can't even remember the last time I wore them, it was that long ago that they fit- AND THEY FIT!!! Even after yesterdays food!!!!!! Amazing.

Anyway, hope you all had a super Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mystery #2

Ok, despite the fact that mystery #1 has yet to be solved (yes, the sweater is still missing. Actually, it's gone, I've accepted it) I have another oddity on my hands.

So Friday, I came home from school and put my lunch box in the kitchen. I put it on the little console/table thing I have next to the stove. There was a J.Crew catalog there that I had wanted to check out before recycling, and I noticed it looked wet, like the wrinkly dry paper look. Weird. Then I looked on the stove and the cookie sheet that was on there also had water on it. I put the cookie sheet in the sink and grabbed some paper towels to mop up what was on the stove.


When I took off the burner things and cleaned up the water there was a TON of it. Like sopping wet paper towels to clean it up. WTF??!! Where did this come from? Then I started panicking mentally because the pipes in my house are cast iron which can apparently leak over time. My bathroom is directly above the kitchen. STRESSS. I looked at the ceiling and it didn't look wet. Brought a chair in from the dining room and felt the ceiling, dry as a bone.

So then it was IPS (Introduction to Physical Science, 8th grade) experiment time. I put a layer of paper towels over the top of the stove and the table/console next to the stove and went up to the bathroom.

Ran the sink for a while, ran downstairs and checked for leaks. Nothing. Back upstairs. Flushed the toilet. Rand downstairs. Nada. Back upstairs praying it wasn't the effing tub, how much of a pain in the ass would that be?? Not to mention that I have like $4 in my checking account, which I'm pretty sure wouldn't be enough to fix a plumbing problem that big. Ran the shower for a few minutes, back downstairs and not. a. single. drip. in the kitchen.

Hm. Where in the world did, I kid you not it was probably at least a gallon of water effing come from if it didn't come from the ceiling directly above the stove??????


I told this story to Nikki and she was like, "I'm waiting for the 'Oooooooh that's what it was!' moment!" I was like, well, there isn't one, I still don't know where the eff all that water came from. Bizarre.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So, after some research today, beginning with an email to the Boston Public Library, continuing on to a World Cat database search (library database, I believe for all of Massachusetts), which led me to various libraries across this lovely state that carried Domino magazine, I have stumbled across the Ashland Public Library which has graciously offered to give me four issues of Domino!! June/July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008- how amazing is that???

I have a few more emails/calls to other libraries but so far, I'm pretty psyched!!!

I need to now research where the eff this library is located (I am familiar with Ashland because the company I worked for the past few summers has an office there- OnProcess Technology) and if it's anywhere near Ikea so maybe we can take a brief detour on Saturday and pick them up!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I have two totally unrelated things to talk about right now.

1. New Kids on the Block Christmas charity show. December 20th in Boston. Tickets went on sale last Saturday. They're already sold out. I saw that they were doing the show, it's at the House of Blues which is small= close proximity to my loves. Small problem- I don't have the money right now for tickets.

So last Wednesday at dinner (my family goes out to dinner to the same restaurant every Wednesday before my brother has tutoring) I brought it up to my Mom and Dad, saying that I'd love to go and that the tickets would be a perfect Christmas or bday (January 3rd) gift and that they went on sale the following Saturday. My Mom said she wouldn't be in town, she left for Canada with my Nana on Thursday to visit my Auntie Jeanne. I figured she's usually really good with gifts and stuff, so that it'd be all set.

Then my Dad just called and was like, hey what are you doing etc. I said I was watching tv, thinking about going to the gym, the usual. He then asked about the New Kids tickets. I said they went on sale last Saturday, but that I didn't have the money to get them. He said, well if you want to order them you can put them on my card, I told him they were sold out (they are) but thanks for thinking of me. He said, oh, Mom just called and was asking. She said she told you to ask me because she wouldn't be here. I said I didn't think she said that to me, that I brought it up at dinner that time, but that was it. He said oh, oh well, well you'll get some Celtics tickets soon! Which I'm also super excited about going to, don't get me wrong. But was really hoping to see New Kids. And I'm half disappointed, half thinking I'm getting the tickets.

My question is this: My Mom is usually on the ball with gifts etc. and I'm wondering if the phone call today was to check and see if I bought the tickets for myself when in fact she had already bought them. Last Christmas she bought me tickets to see Britney Spears but I had already bought them for myself. No worries, I saw her twice so it all worked out- the tickets were for different shows. But I'm wondering if she was worried about repeating that mistake? Or if she really did think of it and mention it to Dad who offered for me to order the tickets. Or if Mom knew they were sold out already and could go that angle with the phone call. Or I'm just thinking about it too much.


2. The Gym. I went Saturday. And Sunday. Planned on going tonight. My plan was foiled for my usual Butts and Guts Monday night class. I had a dentist appointment in Fall River at 3:30 and the class isn't until 7:30 so what the heck was I supposed to do in between? I don't really want to drive to the city twice in one day. I called my friend Kathy from Durfee to see if she wanted to watch Sex and the City (I've been slowly catching her up on the series) but she had already made plans. Mother effer. Now I'm comfy on the couch with LaLa and don't want to go out. But I feel guilty about my dinner and want to work out. But don't want to get off the couch to do it.

I'm def not making it to Butts and Guts, but maybe I could run. Hm.

Ok maybe I will go because before LaLa was all cute and cuddly next to me on the couch now she's whining at me and it's really annoying.

Just Jack!

I feel like Jack McFarland from Will and Grace on the episode when he's obsessed with buying stuff from ebay and keeps on being outbid by Dr. Danger I think it was, and he's running around on a scooter, well I guess it would be scooting around on a scooter, to make sure he bids in time to win whatever it is he's bidding on.

Long winded, sorry.

I am constantly checking ebay for domino magazines even though I won't have any money to purchase them until pay day Thursday, it's like I can't stop looking at them! I keep on thinking I'm just randomly going to come across a whole set of the magazines somewhere like at a random yardsale, or some flea market somewhere....yeah prob not going to happen.

In the meantime I'll just continue stalking ebay during my prep periods and downtime at home!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm so excited!

I'm so excited!!! I'm so- scaredddd!

Just kidding, I'm just excited! No Jessie Spanno crazed dancing going on though, just pure excitement!

This week/weekend has so many great things going on in it I just can't wait for it to be here!!!

Let's see. School this week, yeah normal, nothing major. Although I do have my second observation planned for Friday, this time I'll be observed by the principal (which I coincidentally know how to spell because Mr. Belding told somebody that the principal is your PAL so it's spelled princi-P-A-L. Two Saved by the Bell references in one blog post- go me!) which freaks me out, but at this point, bring it on, I just want it over with. So anyway, that is Friday and we'll be working on the Civil War, so I'll need some fun activity for my kiddos on Friday. I guess that is kind of major. Whatever.

I guess I'm also semi-excited about going to the gym this week. I've lost 10 lbs so far (YAY) which makes me want to go to the gym even more. I went yesterday and today. I'm going to Butts and Guts tomorrow night, Cardio Kickboxing Tuesday, hopefully running Wednesday, Thursday, and possibly Cardio Strip Tease Friday before dinner. Probably not though, depends on when we're going to dinner. But anyway, yeah the gym, I'm actually looking forward to going, who'd have thought it!

Thursday is payday, and seeing as my brand new budget goes into effect this week I think I'll actually have money left over after my bill paying and planning etc. I plan on ordering a Domino mag or two off of Ebay (I am "watching" a few different issues that are listed, not sure which one I'm going to bid on yet) and maybe some Christmas cards. I'm thinking these:

and these:
Both courtesy of Parrot Design Studio on

Friday night is dinner for Renee's bday, not at all overdue considering her special day is IN AUGUST. Don't judge, we're busy. So it's Nikki and I celebrating Renee and I think we're going to the new Airport Grille which I'm hearing great things about. Yay. Probably a drink or two afterwards somewhere. Good stuff.

THEN Saturday is fun-filled as well. Nik and I will be grabbing breakfast I believe, and then we're heading to Ikea!!! It's more of a scouting trip for me, checking out a possible bed, some shelves, maybe some frames, and who knows what else. I don't think I'll be making any major purchases, but I'll have my camera and will take pics of stuff that I may potentially want to buy on our next trip there.

Saturday night though, I'm meeting Cousin Jess for dinner in Providence and then the Providence Bruins game! How fun is that??

And then to cap of a wonderful weekend, I am going to see Rent in Providence with Josh Sunday night!! I'm so excited!!

Then it's Thanks-freaking-giving! Can't believe it's already here. Not sure what's going on that week, but I do know I want to see New Moon and The Blind Side, they both come out on Friday!!

All very good things, which will no doubt make up for a weekend of going to the gym, rerereading Harry Potter book 7 and going to bed at 8 pm. That is all I did this weekend. Bring on the new week!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm so losing it!

I just laughed out loud at LaLa for a good five minutes!

Like laugh til I snort laugh.....I'm turning into an old dog lady. Who goes insane. Super.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


my new planner.

I spent a good hour yesterday night transferring dates and such from my old planner to my new one! And by dates I mean detentions, Saturday schools and dentist appointments, no date dates to speak of. Yay me.

I really love my planner. It makes me happy. I'm so glad I went with the purple at the suggestion of Meg and Renee- love!!!

Let's see, what else am I loving....well I can tell you I'm not hating the gym, which in my world equals practically true love! I went yesterday to run because Tuesday night instead of going to kickboxing I had nachos for dinner. The gym was a must-do yesterday as a result. And I'm thinking of making the trek after school today to run again. I ran yesterday while listening to Jessie James' cd:
Which I'm loving.

Also loving Gravity by Sara Bareilles. It's playing right now.

Any other updates? Saw my Durfee crew Tuesday night, that was fun, miss them.

Busy weekend next week! Lemme whip open my planner and I'll update you- ok!
Friday- Dinner with Nikki and Renee to celebrate Renee's bday, um which was in August, yeah we're all a little busy to say the least.
Saturday- Ikea trip with Nik then dinner and Providence Bruins game with Cousin Jess and some of her friends at night.
Sunday- Rent at PPAC with Josh which I'm super excited about.

Ah! I have to go get the detention lists!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Everything I could've hoped for and more!

Have I mentioned that I love office supplies? It's weird. I love a nice pen, new pad of paper, clips, post-its, anything you can imagine, if it comes from an Office Supply store, I'm loving it!

I got my planner in the mail today! It was backordered, probably because it's so fabulous!!!

It's shiny and purple, first of all.

Second of all it's big. It may not fit in my bag but that's ok, I still love it.

It has two ribbons to hold my place each week with one ribbon and the other one for the whole month view.

I don't even think I can explain all the amazing things about this planner. I'm going to go write in it while watching Ellen instead of typing about it here.

J. Crew love part 1

Here are two items on sale that I would love to have. If I have any secret (or not secret) admirers who would like to purchase either of these for me, I'd love you forever.

Velvet jacket? Yes. In dark purple? Yes, please.

Sophisticated dress? Sure. In a beautiful lilac? Thank you! Not sure how I'd like it on me, but I'd like the opportunity to try it on to see for myself. Maybe sophisticated enough for a certain wedding that's happening this summer.....

Did I mention they're both on sale?

Oh! I think my planner just arrived! Ok off to the gym so that I can fit in either of these fine articles of clothing in my dreams....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kinda excited

to see my friends from Durfee tonight!

Not so excited about the venue- a bar that I think the last time I went there, smoking was still allowed indoors....but whatev, it's about the company!!!

Weird part 2

So as you know, I've been obsessively looking for Domino magazines. I called libraries. I called magazine stores. I have resorted to the fact that I'm going to have to use ebay to make my purchases.

There is a listing for all 36 issues of Domino. It's listed as "buy it now" for $800.00.

That's almost a thousand dollars for magazines. That is assuming that each copy of the magazine is for sale on ebay for $25.00 which would equal the $800. That though, is not the case. They're roughly $10 and maybe $5 for shipping, but I've talked to a sellar about combining shipping so it's cheaper. Which, estimating that each magazine could maybe be like $15 at the most, I need 33 issues, which would cost me $495, nowhere near the $800 charged for the whole set at once- that's crazy!!!

Anyway, so I'm going to be ordering some, once I have some extra money and let the inspiration reign!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

My sister


She's working the stage door at the Glamour magazine Women of the Year awards dinner and Bill Clinton came in, shook her hand, and he shook her hand again when he left!! I'm so jealous!

And Kerry Washington complimented her necklace- three strands of pearls wrapped with a gold chain with her be jeweled Alexis Bittar white flower pin attached to the side. Amazing. She's amazing.

So cool!!!

I'm contemplating

purchasing issues of Domino from ebay. I called the local library to see if they have/had copies and they don't. One local library did, and I called but they're closed on Monday, will be calling tomorrow.

I don't know why Domino has become my new obsession. But it has.

I guess it's better than crystal meth or something along those scary lines.

Another little tidbit about me btw, is that when I get something in my head I kind of go crazy trying to make it happen. Domino- google searches, calling local libraries, contemplating calling Boston Public libraries, ebay, you name it, I'm doing it. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. But I don't need to scare you away just yet with my "investigating" skills. All in good time.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

On that note

if anyone has old copies of Domino and wants me to have them, please feel free to donate them, I'll gladly take them off your hands!!!

You may think I'm joking but I'm totally serious.


So in my futile search for my old Domino magazines (wtf did I do with them?????? ugh, anger) I am contemplating purchasing old copies of the magazine just to have. Like from ebay or something. I wonder if libraries had subscriptions and if they did, what they did with the old copies. I'm asking my favorite person at DHS tomorrow, the librarian.

This is just a day of confessions about how weird I really am.

Who searches on their computer for a half an hour (it's been roughly that long) for old copies of a discontinued magazine?

Me apparently.

Sadder than when Domino magazine closed-

I can't find all of my old copies of the magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the heck did I do with them? I explicitly remember keeping them, and I can picture where they were in my apartment, yet I have no idea where they are in my house, if they are in my house....tear.

On a sidenote, on my mission to find these old issues in my house, I ventured into my basement. Let me point out that my basement is DISGUSTING and I avoid going down there at all costs. So I venture down there, and start looking in the little space under the kitchen addition which is bigger than a crawl space but def not high enough for me to stand up [[aww I'm at the part of Wall-E where Eva realizes that Wall-E loves her by watching the footage recorded while she was "asleep" because she had found plant life on earth....if you have never seen the movie you have NO IDEA what I'm talking should totally just go watch it.]] so I'm crouching looking through boxes and I find a bunch of cards and ticket stubs and stuff that I had on my desk in my apartment. I see a hole in the ceiling that was definitely chewed by some kind of rodent and I start searching more quickly. I apparently pick up an old bday card from Meaghan a *tad* bit too hard and it freaking starts playing Mmmbop by Hanson and scares the shit out of me- thanks Meg! One braid! HFF Foreva!

LOL I just lost five years off my life. On the plus side, I found my Wedding binder! And I found the binder I started for house stuff, and two other issues of Domino but I know I had more than four of them saved!!! I'm so sad....

Another problem.

So recently, since cutting back on the excessive drinking, I've been staying in more, watching movies, getting to bed early, great stuff. Not joking at all there, I love sleeping, so a great night in of a good dinner, movie and maybe reading Harry Potter before bed and I'm a happy camper!

But lately, I've been watching the same movie. Week after week. With a different one thrown in there once in a while, but this one has been my go-to distraction. And it's not like a sappy girly movie, like the Notebook (although there are PERFECT nights for the Notebook, and I've watched that on occasion when you just *need* to cry) or Love, Acutally (which is actually my favorite movie of all time and was a possibility for this evenings movie.)

So without further adieu, my new favorite movie to watch on a semi-constant rotation is Wall-E.
He's seriously the cutest robot ever. And he falls in love. And I cried. Go ahead, judge, I don't care. I love when Wall-E is following Eva around just admiring her, but freaks out whenever she sees him doing this- oh! it's on right now!! He's so clumsy and tries to be all smooth, it's the cutest thing and always makes me laugh!! Oh he builds a model of himself out of trash! I seriously laugh every time!

And I know this is weird, but Wall-E kind of reminds me of LaLa. Yes, he's a trash-compacting robot and she's a Chihuahua, but I see a resemblance. Ok I'm going back to my movie, then I'm going to read Harry Potter (I'm re-re-reading book 7) and go to bed. Feel free to psychoanalyze the fact that I've been watching Wall-E over and over again, and what that says about me. Enlighten me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I have a small problem.

It has grown into a larger problem now that time has gone on. And I've learned about blogs. And Google Reader.

See, when I was in a relationship I'd say this started roughly eight, nine, ten years ago? (Good God, it's been that long?) When I was in said relationship, I thought I was going to marry this person and I started organizing things, pictures, information, etc. about that wedding, just to be prepared for when that day came. Instead of a proposal and a sparkly diamond ring, I got a cheating boyfriend, his crazy new girlfriend and shortly thereafter they welcomed a bouncing baby boy into the world. Def far-off from my envisioned future for he and I....

I kept my Wedding Binder, organized into sections based on the ceremony, reception, favors, dresses, veils, bridesmaid dresses, flowers, etc. for when the day would come again when I'd dream of my wedding.

Fast forward five years after that relationship imploded and despite a major lack of new relationships and therefor potential weddings, my obsession with all things bridal has just continued to grow! I partially blame that on two best friends getting married this Spring/Summer and helping them in any way possible. Partially.

One of my Google Reader subscriptions is to the UNBELIEVABLE wedding blog Style Me Pretty which is pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Every day, many times a day, the site is updated with fabulous and utterly amazing weddings- real weddings- that are out of this world. Apparently a trend is to take pictures of the bride's shoes, and they're usually like Christian Louboutins or Manolos (I don't even know if I'm spelling either of those names correctly, that's how unassociated I am with those brands of shoes) so never in a million years would these weddings be within my reach, but does that stop me from "starring" (adding to my favorites) the posts in my Google Reader for future reference? Hell-to-the-NO.

I just added another amazing blog- Ruffled. No words. I wouldn't consider myself indie or eco-friendly but vintage? Those are the weddings I love the most!! It's an obsession I can do nothing to stop!

Then from that site I saw this site, which is the coolest thing: Wedding Chic Couture which has the coolest stuff for your wedding day.

I need to stop. I am getting NOTHING done at school and I have a lot of stuff I need to be doing. But they're just all so pretty!!!

How can you not get sucked into all this????

A logical response would be when you DON'T HAVE A POTENTIAL WEDDING TO PLAN.

Except I'm far from logical. I think it's part of my charm.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Food for thought.

This is weird.

I have no problem going somewhere to eat a meal by myself. Lunch, dinner, as long as I have a magazine or book, I'm good to go. I'd obviously prefer to have someone there with me, but if I want to eat out and no one is around, no problemo, I'll eat alone.

I really want to go out for breakfast right now. It's been forever since I've gone out for breakfast. It may be my favorite meal to eat out for. When I had a boyfriend pretty much every weekend we'd go. Loved that.

I can't seem to go out to breakfast by myself. Which arguable could be the easiest meal to eat alone. I've done New York Bagel by myself but I REALLY want bacon and eggs from a real breakfast place.

Maybe it's because it's generally the meal that couples go out together for? I don't know but maybe I'll grow a pair and go some food!

I'd eat home but I ran out of Cheerios Friday and have no other breakfast foods....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I would love a nice set of warm gloves for the winter. There was a pair that I saw in a magazine from H&M but since they don't have online shopping I have no way of uploading a picture, but what I do have are three pairs of Coach gloves that I'm loving:

These are my favorite, and of course they're the most expensive at $128:
These are the most practical of the bunch in grey which would go with both black and brown, and they're a tad cheaper at $98:
These may be the happy medium between the two- cheaper, and a pretty color:

For now, they're just wishes!

Oh and ps, the planner I ordered is on back order from so I'm not sure when I'll be getting it but I hope it's soon!!

I also need new mascara (I'm addicted to Dior Show) and some Frederic Fekkai glossing cream....maybe a trip to Sephora is in order?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


And I don't know if people are scared, nervous, feel silly or dumb or what the reason is, but please feel free to comment if you're so moved to.

Maybe that's it, there's nothing comment-worthy lol.

In any case, feel free to comment so I don't feel like I'm blabbing away like an idiot to the world wide web with no one reading.

Which may very well be the case.

Ok enough, I'm going to correct tests.

Fire and Scolding

No, I did not say scalding, I said scolding.

Those are two words that, in that order, were my morning.

I've gotten really good at getting stuff organized the night before work so the morning is less stressful. So I've been doing the dishes the night before, setting out my bowl and spoon for cereal, knife to cut the strawberries for said cereal, butter knife for pb&j, fork to take pickle out of jar and into baggie, coffee mug cleaned and drying on counter, four packets of splenda for said coffee, and last but not least, my coffee all ready to be plugged in in the am and perk away.

So I did all this last night and this morning got ready, came downstairs and plugged in the coffee pot. Then I got the bread, sugar-free jelly and pickles out of the fridge for my lunch. I start to make my sandwich when I hear that the coffee pot isn't making its usual noises. It sounds sick. So I listen harder, and yeah, not working. So upon further inspection I notice that it looks like the top piece and bottom piece have like, come apart. This is essentially the coffee pot I have:

And it looked like it was coming apart where the black bottom meets the silver pot itself. NG (no good.) So I attempt to maybe reconnect it, and when I lift it up I realize it's really light, aka there's no water in the pot itself. I unplug it, use a cloth and take the top off, then the pieces inside to see the actual pot itself and it sparks. So I put cold water inside the pot and it sizzles like a pan you just take off the stove and put in the sink: NG. There's smoke. I open the window to avoid the smoke detector going off. I decide to submerge the whole thing in the sink jic (just in case) so that any sparks or potential fires are put out.


So I make my lunch, eat my Cheerios with strawberries and head to work. I stop at the ATM first to take out money to buy a coffee. ATM spits my card back out at me and says to contact my financial institution. WTF (what the you know what) I figure my account is negative and just forget about my coffee and head to school.

Get there, am set up for today, ready to collect the kids' permission slips to watch scenes from Roots and Amistad. I watched both yesterday and knew what scenes I wanted to show the kids. I collect the permission slips for block one and two students forgot theirs. I had told them ahead of time that if their parents preferred they could have an alternative assignment. So instead of saying, well sucks to be you, here's your assignment to complete in the library! I said, why don't you head to the office and call home, see if your Mom or Dad could email me and just say you have permission. I sign their agenda books and they're on their way.

Kids are watching the clips, and my classroom phone rings. It's our Principal. SUPER. She asks me why two of my students are in the office calling home. I explain. She asks what the movies are I'm showing. I tell her. She asks when they got the permission slips. I tell her yesterday. She says "Well, I'm sure I made it clear that we would prefer to not have our students leaving class, and now I have them in the office and I am giving them a hard time about being out of class, so we'll talk about this later on."


Then after the period my department chair comes in and says so....I was like yeah, I obviously shouldn't have done that, I figured it was better to have the kids have their parents email me than to just automatically give them the alternative assignment, he said oh I agree, just you know, if you have to have them call home, have them use the planning area phone (we're on the third floor) as opposed to the office phone (on the first floor, attached to the Principal's office) etc, etc, etc. So ultimately, not a huge deal, but I HATE HATE HATE getting in trouble or being scolded for shit.

So that's how I started my day! Fun!

Now I get to go by Benny's after school and buy a new coffee pot. And never forget to not put water in it ever again.

Oh, also my bank account was not in fact negative, I have no idea why my card was rejected. Another mystery to solve.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Careers I will NOT be pursuing:


This Friday was a low-key one for me, which was just what the doctor ordered. I didn't go out, laid low, and decided to go to the gym for the Cardio Strip Tease class that's from 7:30 to 8:30. I've been wanting to try it but just haven't gotten there because it's on a Friday and it's at the Fall River WOW which is kind of out of the way, but the powers aligned and I was good to go last week.

Let me just preface this by saying that the music was great (aka BRITNEY, fitting for a class of stripper moves), the instructor was super nice and the other women in the class (all three of them) were nice too. I just could not stop laughing though.

I like to think I'm an OK dancer. I took dance for more years than I'd like to count, I have rhythm, I have choreographed before, granted it was a high school lip sync contest, but we did win first place! So I mean, this shouldn't have been as big of a disaster for me as it was.

Let's just say that the Foxy Lady won't be calling me for my services any time soon....I probably looked like I was having a medical emergency along the lines of a seizure or something. The window that looks into the daycare room from the work out class room, should probably have been blocked, I most likely scared the children.

But nonetheless it was really fun! And I plan on going back again, hopefully bringing some friends with me. Because if there's one way to bond with your friends, it's definitely by group exercise with a stripping theme!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Funny the way it is.

Shameless Dave Matthews reference there. But seriously, it is!

I *just* posted about the agenda that I want to order from and literally a day or two later I get an email from them saying that if I subscribe to their blog in my reader (btw if you're not using google reader yet you're insane) they will send me a 40% off code for one item on their website!

Cha-ching! $40 agenda? Not for me? $24 thank you very much!!

Now the tough part....which color?

Feel free to comment your thoughts.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Go Bears!!

So before I run off to our sexual harassment training in a few minutes I have one more funny story about yesterday. Not only did I bless my first block before they left for the day but I misunderstood a voicemail.

So I see I have a voicemail on my classroom phone, check it, it's the guidance secretary. She is just letting us know that we'll be re-instituting our collared shirts on half-days deal. I think, ok I have collared shirts, nbd (no big deal) but I don't really see why a school-wide voicemail was necessary for that but whatev.

I get to work today (in my black Lily Pulitzer polo) and I notice my boss has on a football jersey. Mentally I say, wtf is he wearing? Odd.

Then I run the superlative forms from homeroom down to the first floor and pass a co-worker with a UMass Dartmouth tshirt over a long sleeve tshirt and I think, Wow, he's really dressed down today!

Then, light bulb.

No, not collared shirts but COLLEGE shirts. Which is why the guidance secretary sent the voicemail, because you go through guidance for your COLLEGE applications so let's promote COLLEGE to our students.

Dully noted. (I don't even know if that's the right word for that saying and I like saying it. I should probably find that out.)

UPDATE: I just looked at my blog and saw this post and thought, "Go Bears"? What the heck was I talking about? That's because I participated in college oh, negative percent of the time and forgot that the reference was to the Bridgewater State College Bears....oh if I could go back in time the fun I'd have had in college....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fun idea!

I'm always finding really cool things online or on etsy that I want to buy, for myself, gifts, for my house, whatever and then I save the link or I bookmark the site, but then I always forget! I guess I could relate this foray to my blog in the sense that I always manage to forget when I find really neat things, so it falls under dumb things I do.

Here's the plan:

I'm going to have a series of posts that are dedicated to either online finds for myself, that I would love; gifts for others, dream items that I could never afford but if someone were so inclined they could def purchase for me, etc. A sort of online wish list. One of the perks of having a boyfriend was that I would make lists of potential gifts for myself, from him, including websites/stores, sizes and colors and I generally got everything on my list. Sucks he turned out to be a total jerk- he shopped well! So this is another version of that, sort of.

And no, that unit test hasn't finished itself yet, it's getting there. This is another mental break from making it.

What I am definitly getting for myself, unless someone else buys them for me first, which btw feel free to...
This planner:
Which can be found at although I'm not sure I can decide on a color. Suggestions?

Ok I really need to finish this stupid test, so more updates to come on my wish list soon...


There are so many pretty things at Anthropologie that I would love for my house. I should be making a unit test right now but I'd rather add the pictures of what I want to this post....
For on top of my dresser:
In my bathroom, maybe for makeup brushes:
In living room on a shelf somewhere, or table:
On bookcase (note, in my rock collection when I was a kid I def had one or two of these lying around....)
And some fools gold!
Pretty for maybe bedroom or living room:
Just a cool skeleton key bottle opener, as a side note I wish the keys to my house were skeleton keys like my Gramma's:
Cool grey coral for living room or bedroom:
I hated chemistry (loved Mr. Poirier but hated the class) but I think these would look cool on display in the kitchen or maybe dining room:
Living room shelf or book case:
Library card drawer pulls, need I even say more? I'd love an old card catalog just for storage:
School house clock, because duh I'm a teacher! I feel like it would tick-tock loudly though, and it's kind of pricey (at $128- eek!)

Sigh....this makes me want to repaint my second bedroom, possibly repaint my bedroom, install shelves in my bathroom closet, shelves in my living room, art in my dining room and a bagillion other things. If only I had money....donations are gladly accepted!

Ugh back to the test...

Down with G-O-D?

Not so much.

I'm not a religious person by any means. I rarely go to church and besides the rare Godly-intervention regarding fast/fatty food I don't think that much about religion.

So today, at the end of first block I was sending an email out to my lovers- Meaghan, Nikki and Laura- and then the bell rang. I looked up mid-sentence from my email to say to the kids, "have a good day" except "bless you" came out of my mouth.

Um, what?


Almost as bad as the time I went to ask my class if they needed make-up work but instead I asked them if "anyone needed make-out work"- whoops!

Good news!!!!

No, I did not find the sweater.

Buuuuut this may be better than finding the sweater.....ready???

Drummrollllll please!

I've lost 8 pounds!

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but since swearing off fast foods and mostly avoiding fatty foods and getting to the gym on a more regular basis I have slowly started the crawl to fit back in to the ridiculous amounts of clothing that don't fit anymore! Yay!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm lame.

Since I've cut back on the drinking, I have nothing to blog about. Hm. Should this tell me something?

Friday, October 2, 2009

I heart Britney Spears.

Seriously. No joke here.

I've seen her four times in concert, my fav being her Dream within a Dream tour of, I think it was 2003? Amazing. Loved it. There was an indoor monsoon on stage, I mean come on. Next favorite was the Circus Staring Britney Spears which was the most recent, least fav was the Onyx Hotel tour where she met K-Fed and hurt her knee and stopped touring.

But anyway, we're on the positives. She has a new single. It's called 3. I heart it. Can't wait til it's released on iTunes. My students asked me today why I just didn't download it on limewire or whatever and I said, "Because I want to support Britney and illegally downloading her music isn't a way of showing my support."
(Image from

They laughed at me. You may too. That's ok with me as long as you're laughing.

This was random I know, but I just want to avoid making a Jeopardy review game and test for Monday. Or whatever the heck I'm doing in my world class on Monday. My brain is fried and I have 45 min to kill before I can leave work.

If you want to listen I'll supply a convenient link for you!


This doesn't even really qualify as blog-worthy but I haven't updated in a while so I figured it's better than nothing. I could be wrong though, you may have preferred nothing.

Today is "Green and White" day at school in honor of the home football game tonight. Now, if it was "Red and Black" day I'd be good to go, and you'd think that considering I graduated from this high school I'd have some school-color-themed garb? Negative.

So I had some thoughts for potential outfits as I was showering (that's when I think about what I'm going to wear, in the shower) but when I got out of the shower, eh wasn't feeling them. It's FREEZING in my house in the AM so the green dress I was envisioning was out, but after the failures out possible outfits #1, #2 and #3 I just threw the dress on and called it a day.

I get to school and proceed to realize that my legs look like cacti as they haven't been shaved in, um about a week or so? Hey, no boy will be touching them and LaLa doesn't seem to mind so don't judge.

I tried to stay as far away from the kids today as possible because I was embarrassed by my lack of personal hygiene.

I think I've hit a blogging low. And I've only been blogging for a few weeks. That's bad.

And incase you're wondering, no the sweater hasn't surfaced. We're going on two weeks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

If you're ever looking for a way to waste time

make sure you check out we heart it site. Seriously.

I've probably clicked around for a half hour today, good hour yesterday. Loving it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thanks Dad!

So I have a hook, well it's actually a double hook, in my bathroom for towels and my bathrobe. I don't have a fan in my bathroom and it obviously gets pretty steamy and damp from showers, etc. The hook recently fell out and my Dad just had the most ingenious idea ever. Break off a piece of toothpick the length of the hole in the wall, put it in there and then put the hook back in. A little hammering later and voile! I have a hook that's staying in the wall!

Well for now, but that's all that matters at the moment!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


and tomorrow is trash day and I don't want to put out the trash. Or the recycling.

Where is my man that will do all this for me?

Is it bad that one of the major reasons I want a man in my life is to help with the household chores, i.e. bringing out the trash, carrying in the groceries (although it's much better now that I'm not on the third floor with the steepest stairs known to man), cleaning the house, doing the dishes. Ugh I could go on and on.

Not to mention how nice it would be to fall asleep next to someone each night. No offense LaLa, you're a little to small to snuggle sufficiently with:
I'm in one of those moods- can you tell?

Motivation LACKING in the Nation

I'm in a whining mood.


I have two huge piles of correcting.

I don't know what the eff I'm doing in class tomorrow.

I'm tired.

I just want to go to bed.

But I can't.

Maybe if I went off facebook and stopped typing this blog post and actually got to work I'd feel a little less overwhelmed and get some shit done.



Monday, September 21, 2009

So not on the ball this weekend.

Just a warning, this post may be all over the place and it may lead you to believe that I'm a few cards short of a full deck. Some of you may have already been under that assumption, so no biggie there.

So. I've been trying to eat healthy and work out more, avoid bad foods- more salads and meals for one.* A bad habit I got into was stopping at Taco Bell or McDonald's on the way home from a night out. Not only do I think it's a habit I shouldn't have formed, but I'm starting to think the Universe agrees with me, that I should not eat McDonald's after a night out.

I also should mention that I'm not a religious person by any means. I go with my fam occasionally to our Congregational church, Christmas, when my brother Andrew is in a play or something, or when my sister Erin is singing or something. But God isn't something that I consider in my life. I'm questioning this now though.

So it started when a few months ago, let's see, what night out did this incident follow...I have no idea. Well, in any case, after a night out I decided to stop at McDonald's which is unfortunately right down the street to my house. Well, the truck in front of me was apparently asked to pull forward to wait for their order. Except he didn't pull forward enough. I pull up, get my food, try to pull out but don't quite fit. I have to do one of those embarrassing 78 point turns to get out of line. Except I probably should have made it an 80 point turn because 78 didn't cut it, and I hit his truck. He gets out, looks at the damage and gets back into his car. He then pulls up. I drive around and pull up next to the passenger side of the truck. His female companion looks at me and I like shrug my shoulders and she's kind of like "I don't know?" so I realize, I need to take this opportunity and get the eff out of there, since I had been drinking that evening- no need to make an already ridiculous situation worse. I get home, sit down to eat. They gave me effing cheeseburgers. I hate cheeseburgers. Serves me right.

Ok so fast-forward to summer. I had finally got a pedicure. I believe it was a Saturday I did all this. I could totally be wrong. Maybe it was a Friday, who knows, doesn't matter. So I get a pedicure. Go out. Decide MickyD's is a good idea. No situation arose actually at McDonald's but when I got home and settled in in front of the TV on my leather ottoman/coffee table set-up, I went to slide my feet under the ottoman for whatever reason and slit. my. toenail. down. the. center. Halfway down the nail. Blood everywhere. Hurt like a mother effer. And more importantly, ruined my pedicure. Strike two Ronald.

Now for the odd occurrence (I totally almost forgot about this one!) So in August, I decided I wanted Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti from Riccardi's. It's amazing. I recommend it, well when the Universe isn't plotting your demise I recommend it. So I ran out to grab my food, came home, ready to eat, notice LaLa chewed through my computer cord that charges my computer. It's the end of the summer, I'm poor and cannot afford to buy a new $80 cord until school starts. I didn't talk to that biatch for three days. Universe? Angry dog? You decide.

Ok, so I went all that time without McDonald's and even Riccardi's because I'm getting nervous something crazy is going on here! Fast forward to last Friday night. Meeting up with the old co-worker group, wicked excited about it. It's been a rough start of the year- just a lot of work, late nights planning, early morning photocopying, etc. So I was psyched to see them. I was planning on not drinking but some new co-workers invited me out for a drink after work which I had to go to, have to make an effort with the new co-workers! There goes that idea. Three V and T's later, I head home for dinner. Heat up my meal for one, have a drink at home and get ready for the game at my old school.

I wear a new top from J.Crew that I bought:

A yellow cardigan:
And a scarf:

And sweatshirt/jacket because it's cold. Can't find a picture of this but it's like a blazer, but made out of dark gray sweatshirt material. So get to old school, see some students, old co-workers, good times. Head to my friend Ross' house for a drink before we meet the rest of our coworkers at Flaunt. I think I have two drinks at Ross' house. We go to Flaunt. I have I think one maybe two more drinks. End up outside for some reason where I see this kid Kyle I know. Talk with him for a while. I think co-workers left, I stayed and talked with Kyle (this could be wrong, feel free to correct me if you actually know what happened.) So I left. Went home. Stopped at McDonald's.

I should've known better.

I get home, eat my food and go to bed. The next morning I wake up for work, shower and get ready. I come downstairs and find my McDonald's cup on my desk near my computer with the empty bag. Inside my McDonald's cup is a metal fork. Hm. I bring the bag into the kitchen to throw away and put the cup in the sink and notice my pocketbook (empty), scarf and wallet on my stove. Hm. I put my wallet back into my bag only to notice that my iPod and camera and stuff aren't in my bag. Hm. Discover them strewn about on my front seat. Interesting.

Get ready for work at leave the house. I attended a friend's wedding that night and was looking for the sweatshirt/jacket to wear. Hm. No where to be found. I go upstairs, my jeans and flip flops are on the floor in the bathroom, not unusual after a night of drinking. My top and cardigan are in my second bedroom on the ironing board, again, not unusual but no sweatshirt/jacket.

Fast forward to today- the sweatshirt/jacket still hasn't surfaced. It's missing. I confirmed with Ross and with Kyle that I did in fact have the jacket on when he left (Ross) and when he walked me to my car (Kyle) so I should indeed have my jacket. Except I don't.

My conclusion is the Universe is fucking with me. What do you think?

*see previous post about Target trying to get me down on my single status.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Um hm.

So I just went to the bathroom for the first time today (TMI, I know, but whatev) and noticed that I put my underwear on inside out.

They were def clean, so none of that weird inside-out business to lessen laundry.

It wasn't a rushed morning by any means.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meals for One

I am devoted to Target. I go at least three times a week. If I'm in a bad mood, stressed or just eh about something, going to Target soothes me. That may make me weird. I don't care.

So while shopping at Target in the frozen food section, I picked up some Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones for lunch and dinner. I noticed that the aisle is called the "Meals for One" aisle. I find that offensive. Yes, I am alone. Yes, I am buying this single serving meal for myself, but do I want to be reminded of my loneliness while perusing my normally calming aisles of Target? Negative.

Anyway I made some great purchases and look forward to my easy to prepare and consume meals. Fast forward to my crazyass day yesterday.

School was slightly overwhelming- lesson planning, being up to 12:30 the night before prepping and planning, etc. Then I had my first grad class of the semester at Bridgewater. I was looking forward to it as I love this professor but know it's probably going to be a lot of work, but I love taking classes and listening to lectures. So I get there and am settling into the class, and the professor hands out the syllabus.

Um, hold the phone. We're all teachers here getting our MAT (Masters in Teaching), no? We all have full time jobs, no? And in some instances families to tend to? How are we going to read 300+ pages a week, write 4 page papers weekly, a 15 page term paper and in addition to the SEVEN textbooks read an EIGHTH book and write a book review that could be published in a scholarly journal.

I wanted to jump out the window.

I foresee a nervous breakdown because of work alone this semester, I'm going to have to be committed to an institution if I take this course this fall. I decided I have to drop it. There's no effing way I can do it all. **STRESSSS**

I decide to stop by the gym, run a little bit, go tanning (ah! bad! I know....I needed a vitamin d boost....shame), watch the Pats play and talk to Josh for a little bit. I get home put my meal for one in the microwave and jumped in the shower quick. Get out, put on comfy sweats and go back downstairs for my dinner.

I'm walking through the dining room with my piping hot meal for one, ready to sit at my computer, catch up with my Google Reader and facebook then head to bed. I bump my arm on the doorway and pretty much wind up and pitch my meal for one into the hardwood floor of my living room.

What. The. Fuck.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I blame the chair.

Let's see. I've posted one story about my occasional brain malfunctions so I'm going to dive right into a story about my lack of balance. Let me point out that this is merely the beginning. These stories go way back, and since according to my friend Will, "[I] fall more than any individual in the history of the world" there are definitely more stories to come.

I believe this occurred over the summer? Or end of the school year? Oh yes, I remember. My friend Renee was getting married in June, and I was searching for a gold pair of sandals to wear with my dress to her wedding. That search led me to the Providence Place Mall, where I bought a pair but wasn't super happy with them, but was desperate. Anyway.

I remember getting Johnny Rockett's for dinner because their burgers and fries are really good. I then went to visit Sasha and Lauren. I think they had just bought a Wii or new games for the Wii or something. So they were playing, I was sitting in a chair with a TV tray eating my dinner. For whatever reason when I eat on a tray I feel the need for my legs to be like fully under it, and the tray really close to me (I attempted this same maneuver with my ottoman/coffee table with equally if not worse results, another story for another day though.)

As I was inching forward, closer to the tray, the lovely chair I was sitting on flipped forward, I crashed to the ground, blanket that was on said chair now covering me like a ghost, and I slid half-way under the TV tray- thankfully not spilling my burger and fries.

Luckily Lauren was quick enough with her iPhone to capture this moment:

(image from Lauren's iPhone)

Then the problem of being able to get up arose as I had miraculously gone to the gym (a rare occurrence in those days, I've been doing really well lately though!) and I was too sore to lift my legs up over the bar on the TV tray. Lauren came to help and try and move the tray but because I was laughing too hard and my abs hurt too much I couldn't get out!!! Good lord, how ridiculous.

Needless to say I finally got out from under that mess and finished my dinner. I hadn't even started drinking yet either!! My lack of balance knows no bounds- sober, trashed, it doesn't matter!

As a sort of side note about my lack of balance, I work at a jewelry store a few weekends a month and I put one of these aside for myself in the hopes that it'll give me supernatural help with my balance issues:

(image from polyvore)

Updates to follow on that front.