Sunday, December 20, 2009

Back to my blog roots.

Well. I seem to have moved away from the original purpose of my blog- to talk about the ridiculous things that happen to me. Not on purpose, just happened.

Consider me back to reality.

So, unless you've been living under a rock or live somewhere else besides the East Coast of the United States you'd be aware that we got quite the snow storm this weekend. Well we got a ton of snow. I shoveled my stairs and walkway. Not that I've actually left the house (my Dad has yet to plow/snowblow my driveway so the Cabrio is still in the garage) but I could walk if I needed to. So after shoveling and showering, getting comfy in my sweats grabbing my laptop, new book and cell phone headed downstairs.

And then proceeded to fall down my stairs. Hard.

My ass is super sore. There'll be bruises.

But on the plus-side I didn't drop my laptop.

And I'm back!!!

UPDATE: MAJOR bruising. Major. Ridiculous. Maybe the worst bruise I've ever had.

1 comment:

  1. i wish there was a like button, cause i like this
