Monday, September 21, 2009

So not on the ball this weekend.

Just a warning, this post may be all over the place and it may lead you to believe that I'm a few cards short of a full deck. Some of you may have already been under that assumption, so no biggie there.

So. I've been trying to eat healthy and work out more, avoid bad foods- more salads and meals for one.* A bad habit I got into was stopping at Taco Bell or McDonald's on the way home from a night out. Not only do I think it's a habit I shouldn't have formed, but I'm starting to think the Universe agrees with me, that I should not eat McDonald's after a night out.

I also should mention that I'm not a religious person by any means. I go with my fam occasionally to our Congregational church, Christmas, when my brother Andrew is in a play or something, or when my sister Erin is singing or something. But God isn't something that I consider in my life. I'm questioning this now though.

So it started when a few months ago, let's see, what night out did this incident follow...I have no idea. Well, in any case, after a night out I decided to stop at McDonald's which is unfortunately right down the street to my house. Well, the truck in front of me was apparently asked to pull forward to wait for their order. Except he didn't pull forward enough. I pull up, get my food, try to pull out but don't quite fit. I have to do one of those embarrassing 78 point turns to get out of line. Except I probably should have made it an 80 point turn because 78 didn't cut it, and I hit his truck. He gets out, looks at the damage and gets back into his car. He then pulls up. I drive around and pull up next to the passenger side of the truck. His female companion looks at me and I like shrug my shoulders and she's kind of like "I don't know?" so I realize, I need to take this opportunity and get the eff out of there, since I had been drinking that evening- no need to make an already ridiculous situation worse. I get home, sit down to eat. They gave me effing cheeseburgers. I hate cheeseburgers. Serves me right.

Ok so fast-forward to summer. I had finally got a pedicure. I believe it was a Saturday I did all this. I could totally be wrong. Maybe it was a Friday, who knows, doesn't matter. So I get a pedicure. Go out. Decide MickyD's is a good idea. No situation arose actually at McDonald's but when I got home and settled in in front of the TV on my leather ottoman/coffee table set-up, I went to slide my feet under the ottoman for whatever reason and slit. my. toenail. down. the. center. Halfway down the nail. Blood everywhere. Hurt like a mother effer. And more importantly, ruined my pedicure. Strike two Ronald.

Now for the odd occurrence (I totally almost forgot about this one!) So in August, I decided I wanted Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti from Riccardi's. It's amazing. I recommend it, well when the Universe isn't plotting your demise I recommend it. So I ran out to grab my food, came home, ready to eat, notice LaLa chewed through my computer cord that charges my computer. It's the end of the summer, I'm poor and cannot afford to buy a new $80 cord until school starts. I didn't talk to that biatch for three days. Universe? Angry dog? You decide.

Ok, so I went all that time without McDonald's and even Riccardi's because I'm getting nervous something crazy is going on here! Fast forward to last Friday night. Meeting up with the old co-worker group, wicked excited about it. It's been a rough start of the year- just a lot of work, late nights planning, early morning photocopying, etc. So I was psyched to see them. I was planning on not drinking but some new co-workers invited me out for a drink after work which I had to go to, have to make an effort with the new co-workers! There goes that idea. Three V and T's later, I head home for dinner. Heat up my meal for one, have a drink at home and get ready for the game at my old school.

I wear a new top from J.Crew that I bought:

A yellow cardigan:
And a scarf:

And sweatshirt/jacket because it's cold. Can't find a picture of this but it's like a blazer, but made out of dark gray sweatshirt material. So get to old school, see some students, old co-workers, good times. Head to my friend Ross' house for a drink before we meet the rest of our coworkers at Flaunt. I think I have two drinks at Ross' house. We go to Flaunt. I have I think one maybe two more drinks. End up outside for some reason where I see this kid Kyle I know. Talk with him for a while. I think co-workers left, I stayed and talked with Kyle (this could be wrong, feel free to correct me if you actually know what happened.) So I left. Went home. Stopped at McDonald's.

I should've known better.

I get home, eat my food and go to bed. The next morning I wake up for work, shower and get ready. I come downstairs and find my McDonald's cup on my desk near my computer with the empty bag. Inside my McDonald's cup is a metal fork. Hm. I bring the bag into the kitchen to throw away and put the cup in the sink and notice my pocketbook (empty), scarf and wallet on my stove. Hm. I put my wallet back into my bag only to notice that my iPod and camera and stuff aren't in my bag. Hm. Discover them strewn about on my front seat. Interesting.

Get ready for work at leave the house. I attended a friend's wedding that night and was looking for the sweatshirt/jacket to wear. Hm. No where to be found. I go upstairs, my jeans and flip flops are on the floor in the bathroom, not unusual after a night of drinking. My top and cardigan are in my second bedroom on the ironing board, again, not unusual but no sweatshirt/jacket.

Fast forward to today- the sweatshirt/jacket still hasn't surfaced. It's missing. I confirmed with Ross and with Kyle that I did in fact have the jacket on when he left (Ross) and when he walked me to my car (Kyle) so I should indeed have my jacket. Except I don't.

My conclusion is the Universe is fucking with me. What do you think?

*see previous post about Target trying to get me down on my single status.

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