Monday, November 23, 2009

Mystery #2

Ok, despite the fact that mystery #1 has yet to be solved (yes, the sweater is still missing. Actually, it's gone, I've accepted it) I have another oddity on my hands.

So Friday, I came home from school and put my lunch box in the kitchen. I put it on the little console/table thing I have next to the stove. There was a J.Crew catalog there that I had wanted to check out before recycling, and I noticed it looked wet, like the wrinkly dry paper look. Weird. Then I looked on the stove and the cookie sheet that was on there also had water on it. I put the cookie sheet in the sink and grabbed some paper towels to mop up what was on the stove.


When I took off the burner things and cleaned up the water there was a TON of it. Like sopping wet paper towels to clean it up. WTF??!! Where did this come from? Then I started panicking mentally because the pipes in my house are cast iron which can apparently leak over time. My bathroom is directly above the kitchen. STRESSS. I looked at the ceiling and it didn't look wet. Brought a chair in from the dining room and felt the ceiling, dry as a bone.

So then it was IPS (Introduction to Physical Science, 8th grade) experiment time. I put a layer of paper towels over the top of the stove and the table/console next to the stove and went up to the bathroom.

Ran the sink for a while, ran downstairs and checked for leaks. Nothing. Back upstairs. Flushed the toilet. Rand downstairs. Nada. Back upstairs praying it wasn't the effing tub, how much of a pain in the ass would that be?? Not to mention that I have like $4 in my checking account, which I'm pretty sure wouldn't be enough to fix a plumbing problem that big. Ran the shower for a few minutes, back downstairs and not. a. single. drip. in the kitchen.

Hm. Where in the world did, I kid you not it was probably at least a gallon of water effing come from if it didn't come from the ceiling directly above the stove??????


I told this story to Nikki and she was like, "I'm waiting for the 'Oooooooh that's what it was!' moment!" I was like, well, there isn't one, I still don't know where the eff all that water came from. Bizarre.

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