Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mr. Negitivity

That is what my Mom occasionally refers to my Dad as. My Gramma does it occasionally too. I don't mean to start the blog off on a negative note, but seeing as I need to vent to someone right now, and this is my current means of venting, you get to hear it (and by "you" I mean my cousin Nikki, the one person aware of my new blogging foray.)

So at my old teaching job we got a balloon check in June which covered what would have been our pay every two weeks throughout the summer. In theory it should last you until school begins again in September. I obviously ignore that theory and blow through it by say, mid- July. Luckily I worked all summer teaching summer school at that old school, making $30 an hour working 8-11 mon- fri and 12-4 mon- thurs. I should be flush with cash. Hemorrhaging in fact (to steal another line from a family member, this time my Dad.) But as anyone who knows me is probably aware, I am the worst budgeter/saver on the face of the earth.

Proof you ask? My registration is expired on my car and I can't afford the $90 renewal fee (why $90? oh because said father insists I have a fancy five-number plate which I've become accustomed to and wouldn't' deign to have a normal four digit two letter plate like all the normal people out there in Massachusetts have which only costs about $40 to renew.) I have been driving my Dad's pick-up truck in lieu of driving around with an expired plate which according to the lovely SRO (school resource officer [town cop who's job it is to roam the high school work at breaking up fights]) would cost around $200 ($100 ticket $100 tow.) He came into my classroom last Friday during my prep to inform me of this (kids don't fight here at the new school like they did at the old school, he has nothing better to do apparently.) Way too much information there.

Long story not so short- today is pay day, I have been waiting for it since the third week of August. The paperwork I filled out when I got my new job included direct deposit information. I checked my account this morning- nothing except a negative balance (only a little bit negative.) I checked the paper we received at the beginning of the school year about paychecks- should be in our mailboxes by 11:00- NEGATIVE. Empty mailbox. Mother effer. I don't even have enough gas in my Dad's truck to effing drive home (I live around the corner) let alone renew my registration (first errand of the afternoon) and buy a new computer cord for my laptop which my dog so lovingly chewed the week before school started (second errand of the afternoon.)

What. The. Fuck.

I have a bad feeling about this. I predict that I am going to have to wait until next pay period to receive my first check. Which means I'm either royally fucked or I'm going to have to have the dreaded "I have no money can I borrow some" conversation with my parents which is so. not. in. my. plan. for. the. week.

Hopefully I return to my classroom with better news. Update to follow.

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