No, I did not say
scalding, I said scolding.
Those are two words that, in that order, were my morning.
I've gotten really good at getting stuff organized the night before work so the morning is less stressful. So I've been doing the dishes the night before, setting out my bowl and spoon for cereal, knife to cut the strawberries for said cereal, butter knife for pb&j, fork to take pickle out of jar and into baggie, coffee mug cleaned and drying on counter, four packets of splenda for said coffee, and last but not least, my coffee all ready to be plugged in in the am and perk away.
So I did all this last night and this morning got ready, came downstairs and plugged in the coffee pot. Then I got the bread, sugar-free jelly and pickles out of the fridge for my lunch. I start to make my sandwich when I hear that the coffee pot isn't making its usual noises. It sounds sick. So I listen harder, and yeah, not working. So upon further inspection I notice that it looks like the top piece and bottom piece have like, come apart. This is essentially the coffee pot I have:
And it looked like it was coming apart where the black bottom meets the silver pot itself. NG (no good.) So I attempt to maybe reconnect it, and when I lift it up I realize it's really light, aka there's no water in the pot itself. I unplug it, use a cloth and take the top off, then the pieces inside to see the actual pot itself and it sparks. So I put cold water inside the pot and it sizzles like a pan you just take off the stove and put in the sink: NG. There's smoke. I open the window to avoid the smoke detector going off. I decide to submerge the whole thing in the sink jic (just in case) so that any sparks or potential fires are put out.
So I make my lunch, eat my Cheerios with strawberries and head to work. I stop at the ATM first to take out money to buy a coffee. ATM spits my card back out at me and says to contact my financial institution. WTF (what the you know what) I figure my account is negative and just forget about my coffee and head to school.
Get there, am set up for today, ready to collect the kids' permission slips to watch scenes from Roots and Amistad. I watched both yesterday and knew what scenes I wanted to show the kids. I collect the permission slips for block one and two students forgot theirs. I had told them ahead of time that if their parents preferred they could have an alternative assignment. So instead of saying, well sucks to be you, here's your assignment to complete in the library! I said, why don't you head to the office and call home, see if your Mom or Dad could email me and just say you have permission. I sign their agenda books and they're on their way.
Kids are watching the clips, and my classroom phone rings. It's our Principal. SUPER. She asks me why two of my students are in the office calling home. I explain. She asks what the movies are I'm showing. I tell her. She asks when they got the permission slips. I tell her yesterday. She says "Well, I'm sure I made it clear that we would prefer to not have our students leaving class, and now I have them in the office and I am giving them a hard time about being out of class, so we'll talk about this later on."
Then after the period my department chair comes in and says so....I was like yeah, I obviously shouldn't have done that, I figured it was better to have the kids have their parents email me than to just automatically give them the alternative assignment, he said oh I agree, just you know, if you have to have them call home, have them use the planning area phone (we're on the third floor) as opposed to the office phone (on the first floor, attached to the Principal's office) etc, etc, etc. So ultimately, not a huge deal, but I HATE HATE HATE getting in trouble or being scolded for shit.
So that's how I started my day! Fun!
Now I get to go by Benny's after school and buy a new coffee pot. And never forget to not put water in it ever again.
Oh, also my bank account was not in fact negative, I have no idea why my card was rejected. Another mystery to solve.