Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Over it.

I'm over this week.

And it's only Tuesday.

Losing an hour of sleep has royally effed me up. Add on top of that the fact that I have a sort-of roommate (f.b. has been staying over [although we've morphed back into a semi-normal friend mode, as opposed to the friend-boy relationship that had been occurring since August] pretty regularly for the past two weeks or so) and I'm not getting the normal amount of sleep that I am used to.

I just want my day to be over, go to the gym and go to bed.

Except that it's only 9:51, I have half of a block of my freshman and then an hour and a half with my juniors, then my hour and a half prep, then detention, then home to eat quick, then the gym, and THEN I can finally shower and go to bed.

I. Can't. Wait.

Sorry for the whine. I could go for some real wine come to think of it...

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