Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I loved the video Anthology magazine posted on its site that showed a bedroom wall covered in vintage book pages. I decided to do something similar in my guest room. I figured I'd put painter's tape in stripes along the wall and then on top of that put double sided tape so that I wouldn't ruin the walls. Then stick the pages to the tape.

I found a book at our local antique shop, didn't know anything about the author or book but I loved that it had photographs and renderings throughout the pages. It legit took me a few days to start the project because I felt really guilty about tearing up a book, nevermind one almost 100 years old.

Enter today's snow day and I figured I had no more excuses. I started tearing it up and stuck it up to the wall. I love how it came out. We'll see how the tape/pages fare in time, but then I thought about the book. Pictures to come soon.

Then I don't know why but I google searched the author and the book. Enter more guilt. He was a well known photographer and his books are fairly well know as well. I paid $30 for the book, so I knew it wasn't just any old book, but it was one of the only one I like the pages inside for the room. Eek.

I just ordered another copy of the book off of because I feel so guilty about tearing up a book published originally in 1938 and it will be prominently displayed in the room once I finish all the other decorating. Who said interior decorating was easy!?

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